Touristic packages ROHU 68
The geological territorial characteristics of the Urvind area are determined by three geological units located in the north-west of the Apuseni Mountains: Plopis Mountains, the eastern desertification of the Panonian basin and the Borod basin.
Valea Crisului Repede
Pachete turistice – ROHU 68 1. Traseul turistic Komádi-Lugașu de Jos Punctul de pornire este Komádi. Localitatea este situată în…
Thematic map
In the project Creating a joint tourist destination in the cross-border area of Lugașu de Jos and Komádi, through cross-border…
Creation and promotion of a new thematic cross-border route along the Crișul Repede river
The events were organized within the project Creating a joint tourist destination in the cross-border area of Lugașu de Jos…